I registered for Covidence through RUSH. Why does my review still have limited features?
If you created a review before linking your Covidence account to RUSH's institutional subscription or set up a "trial" review under your personal account, the review's access to features provided by RUSH's institutional subscription will be limited. Reviews created under a personal account are restricted to two invited reviewers and a maximum of 500 citations.
When creating a review, be sure to select "RUMC Library/unlimited reviews left" when you are prompted to select the account under which the review should be created. Do not select your own name.
If you have already created your review under a personal account, you can contact Covidence's support (support@covidence.org) to request that it be transferred to RUSH's institutiuonal plan. Regular Covidence users (even review owners and library staff) cannot transfer reviews; it must be done by Covidence. If you have not yet linked your Covidence account to RUSH, you should do so first. Covidence will need to confirm the name of the review to complete the transfer.
Contact library@rush.edu with questions or to request assistance from a reference librarian.